Saturday, January 15, 2011

Vegan Pumpkin Pie

Hello. Here is a pie:

It is a vegan pumpkin pie I made, the exact recipe of which I cannot recall, and do not believe I ever recorded. I imagine this will be representative of posts to come,

But, I shall do my best to guide you. The pastry is made from mixing sunflower oil and flour, with some water until you get a nice crumbly dough. For the filling, boil some diced pumpkin till it’s reduced to a soft puree and most of the water has boiled off. Then fry it up in a pan with some oil and fairtrade sugar & spices. I recommend ginger, nutmeg, some cinnamon and a bit of cracked black pepper.

Meanwhile (or probably after if you only have two hands) prepare the pastry in whatever form you like - I chose classic pie form. A nice circular oven dish well-oiled will help with this shape. You can add some greaseproof paper around to make sure it doesn't stick, but that has nasty silicon in it, so I recommend just oiling everything to the max - it's more rock and roll also. Then when you're happy with your pie-crust format, add the mixture in and bake it till it’s done. It is done whenever you think it tastes good, as nothing in this pie will kill you. Well, not accidentally anyway (a fallen pumpkin from a height could prove fatal). Anyway, you can even make a fancy lattice pattern on top if you've spare pastry and want to impress your easily-impressed friends. Serve a slice (or the whole thing if you're hungry) with some soy yoghurt or ice-cream.

I have not given exact quantities and I don’t know what they are, but this way you will create something that is truly your own! Even if it’s a mess. But I’m sure it will be lovely.

- Dara

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