Sunday, May 1, 2011

Homemade Pasta with Leek, Mushroom and Broccoli Sauce.

This is me showing off my new pasta machine.

Pasta dough is just flour and eggs with a bit of lukewarm water. I've made it before using a rolling pin, but a pasta machine is just very very cool. And surprisingly therapeutic. Word of warning though - it does take a wee while.

For the sauce I sauted some leeks and garlic in olive oil then added some sliced mushrooms and cooked them till they were nicely juicy. Then I slopped in half a pot of creme fraiche and some black pepper and added the whole lot to the cooked pasta. I also threw in some very finely cut cooked broccoli.

Pasta should be cooked in lots and lots of boiling water. I demand that you eat it while it still has a bit of bite rather than letting it turn to slop. Ask any Italian and they will tell you that sloppy pasta is only fit for old people's homes.

To serve I added some slices of mozzarella.


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